Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tennis Camp

Hey guys!

I am so sorry that I can't update my blog right now but I'm at Tennis Camp this week! It is so cool but I stay there without the internet from 8 in the morning to 8 in the afternoon! I have no time to create more covers and update my stories!

But no worries! My Tennis camp ends friday so I'll be able to post on Saturday and onwards. But then I'll only have a week of free time because I'm going on a trip to Europe for THREE weeks so I won't be posting then!

See you friday or saturday!

P.S. I'm doing these super cool bracelets at camp. I'll probably use some of them for my covers!


Charlotte de Capio

1 comment:

  1. Hi it's me Charlotte de Capio! I know you may think it's weird me posting a comment on my blog but I just didn't feel like posting a new post. All I wanted to say is that my Tennis Camp is the Bishop's University Tennis Camp in Lennoxville, QC, Canada! You can sleep at that camp and if any of you guys love Tennis, it's the place to go. I've been going there for 5 years already and I still LOVE it! Go check it out it's a really cool camp!

    I'm not even paid for typing that, it's true!

    Charlotte de Capio
